Narendra Modi Stadium Records a Landmark in Cricket History


Narendra Modi Stadium Records Nestled in the vibrant city of Ahmedabad, India, the stands as a testament to the country’s passion for cricket and its ability to construct world-class sporting infrastructure. Formerly known as the Sardar Patel Stadium, this iconic venue has undergone a remarkable transformation, emerging as one of the largest and most technologically advanced cricket stadiums in the world.

Since its inception in 1986, the Narendra Modi Stadium has hosted a plethora of memorable cricketing encounters, witnessing records being shattered and legacies being etched in the annals of the sport. From the highest individual scores to the most economical bowling spells, the stadium has played a pivotal role in shaping the narratives of many a cricket match.

Narendra Modi Stadium Record

Narendra Modi Stadium Records in Test Matches

The Narendra Modi Stadium has hosted 14 Test matches, providing a platform for some of the most iconic moments in cricket history. In 1986, Sunil Gavaskar became the first cricketer to reach the coveted 10,000 runs milestone in Test cricket, achieving this remarkable feat against Pakistan.

The stadium also witnessed Kapil Dev’s historic achievement in 1993 when he surpassed Sir Richard Hadlee’s record to become the leading wicket-taker in Test cricket. Dev’s 432nd wicket, against Sri Lanka, sent shockwaves through the cricketing world, cementing his status as a true legend of the game.

Narendra Modi Stadium Records in ODI (One day International)

The Narendra Modi Stadium has hosted 23 One-Day Internationals (ODIs), providing a stage for some of the most exhilarating batting performances. In 2002, India posted their highest ODI score of 407 runs against England, with Virender Sehwag’s blistering 126 runs off just 68 balls setting the tone for a memorable victory.

Narendra Modi Stadium Records in T20 Internationals

The advent of  T20 cricket has added a new dimension to the Narendra Modi Stadium’s legacy. The stadium has hosted 10 T20 Internationals , showcasing the game’s fast-paced and tactical nature.

In 2012, India registered their highest T20 score of 229 runs against New Zealand, with Suresh Raina’s unbeaten 101 runs providing the impetus for a resounding victory. These high-scoring encounters have highlighted the stadium’s ability to adapt to the demands of the shortest format of the game.


The Narendra Modi Stadium stands as a proud symbol of India’s cricketing heritage and its commitment to providing world-class facilities for the sport. With its rich history of record-breaking performances and its ability to host matches across all formats, the stadium is sure to continue to play a significant role in shaping the future of cricket.

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